Greatest of All List Today Now on the Web

Welcome to GoAltNow, the home of alternative media for entertainment and education. Our mission is to provide a platform for voices and perspectives that are often overlooked or underrepresented in mainstream media. We believe that everyone has the right to access diverse, accurate, and engaging information, and we strive to offer a wide range of content that reflects the complexity and diversity of the world we live in.

Whether you’re looking for the latest music from indie artists, thought-provoking documentaries, or educational videos on a variety of topics, you’ll find something to suit your interests on GoAltNow. We’re committed to curating high-quality, entertaining, and informative content that will expand your horizons and challenge your assumptions.

So if you’re ready to dive into the world of alternative media, join us at GoAltNow and discover something new and exciting today.

Welcome to GoAltNow, your destination for alternative media that educates and entertains. Our mission is to provide a platform for voices and perspectives that are often overlooked or suppressed by mainstream media. Whether you’re looking for thought-provoking documentaries, engaging lectures, or simply want to be entertained by something different, we have something for you.

Our team of curators scours the internet to bring you the best in alternative media from around the world. From cutting-edge documentaries to independent films, we strive to showcase a diverse range of content that will inspire, inform, and entertain.

So why wait? Start exploring our library of alternative media today and discover something new and exciting. We can’t wait to see what you find!

  • Music and entertainment: This category includes music videos, concerts, celebrity interviews, and other types of entertainment content.
  • Gaming: This category includes videos related to video games, including gameplay footage, walkthroughs, and eSports tournaments.
  • Education and learning: This category includes instructional videos, lectures, and other educational content.
  • Science and technology: This category includes videos about science, technology, and engineering, including demonstrations, interviews, and product reviews.
  • DIY and home improvement: This category includes videos about home improvement, crafting, and other DIY projects.
  • Health and wellness: This category includes videos about exercise, nutrition, and other aspects of health and wellness.
  • Travel and adventure: This category includes videos about travel, adventure sports, and other outdoor activities.
  • Food and cooking: This category includes videos about cooking, baking, and other aspects of food and culinary culture.
  • Beauty and fashion: This category includes videos about makeup, fashion, and other aspects of personal style.
  • Comedy and entertainment: This category includes comedic sketches, parodies, and other types of humorous content.

ADULT ONLY List (Non Sexual but considered adult only.

  1. Violence and gore: This category includes videos about violence, gore, and other disturbing or graphic content.
  2. Horror: This category includes videos about horror movies, TV shows, and other horror-related content.
  3. Political discussions: This category includes videos about political issues, parties, and candidates.
  4. Satire and controversial humor: This category includes videos that use satire or controversial humor to address sensitive topics.
  5. Drug and alcohol use: This category includes videos about the use of drugs and alcohol, including discussions of their effects and potential risks.
  6. Mental health and self-care: This category includes videos about mental health, self-care, and other personal topics that might be considered sensitive or “adult” in nature.
  7. Crime and justice: This category includes videos about crime, law enforcement, and the justice system.
  8. Conspiracy theories: This category includes videos about conspiracy theories and other controversial or fringe ideas.
  9. Sexual health and relationships: This category includes videos about sexual health, relationships, and other topics that might be considered sensitive or “adult” in nature.

Convert your Weber Kettle into a pellet smoker.

The Spider Grills Venom earns a GOALT blessing.

US Media being ignored for War News on Social Media

“Social media was never meant to divide and categorize people. Its purpose is to unite people from all walks of life and give them a platform to communicate and share.” The Problem with Social Media is that it interferes with the “White Noise News” which thinks they control the narrative and anything that questions that narrative is “FAKE NEWS”.

AP Reports the “end” of a “siege” in Ottowa!

One Year After Ashley Babbitt was Shot and Killed the Media still ignores this story!

New New York State’s retaliatory regulations arising from the Supreme Court decision.

Headlines you should be concerned about!

When a particular group gets to decide what speech is “hate speech” based on speech they hate, it is time to go alt. The right to offend is no different than your right to be offended. Just because one is offended it does not mean they are right.

Google has lost its way. YouTube is censoring talented legitimate Vloggers. Facebook, well we all know about them. All of the “corporations” depend on customers. Once their customers no longer “trust” the corporation, the too big to fail will fail.

When Google turns over your metadata to the FBI

It’s okay, I don’t do anything wrong!

Use the alternatives to these corporate internet data miners. Protect your privacy if it is not too late.

What about Going Dark?

Alternatives to the Corporate Social Media

Duckduckgo instead of Google

Brave Browser instead of Chrome

Facebook has a Civil Rights Problem

TRY MeWe instead of Facebook

BLOCKCHAIN Alternatives

Using a Burner Phone. A burner phone is a prepaid device. However, burners are different from prepaid phones in that they are used specifically for one purpose and then disposed of.